Winning streaks
I think we all have heard the term ‘Winning streak’ and have just
been dying for it to happen to us. Listed below are a couple of lottery diary
entries that may be of interest to you. They are prime examples of, ‘scratch
and win’.
The First Streak
For the past 8 days, I've been on an on-and-off scratch off streak. It began
in Maryland when I got off the plane on 8/4 and put $3 into a lotto dispenser
on the way to meet my grandmother. I got 1 'Cross Word' ($2) game and 1 'Quick
7s' ($1) game. On Cross Word I won $4 and on Quick 7s I won $1. I waited until
I was leaving Maryland to cash them at a Hudson News stand in the airport -
The next day (back in Florida), 8/11, I bought 2 'Money Bags' ($2) games at
my nearest 7-11 and won $4 on one and $2 on the other. Later on that day, I
went to another 7-11, cashed in the tickets for 1 'Saphire Blue 7s' ($2) game
and 1 'Monopoly' ($2) game. I won $10 on the Saphire Blues and nothing on the
Monopoly. I cashed the $10 ticket at yet another 7-11 (oh, thank heaven for
them) for 2 more $2 Monopolies winning a free ticket on one of them and keeping
the rest of the $10.
So today, 8/12, I went to a Hess station and took in my free ticket winner and
traded it for a '$10,000 Club' ($2) game winning $5. Later, at the 7-11 I had
won on the Saphire Blue ticket at, I traded in the $5 ticket for a '$130,000
Bonus' ($5) game and won $15. I took that ticket back inside for a 'Cash Fall'
($5) game and $10 cash. On the new ticket I won $5 more and when I traded that
in later for another of the same, I didn't win anything. So I took the $10 I
had collected from the $130,000 Bonus and bought 4 different tickets - $130,000
Bonus, Money Bags, Winner Take All, $10,000 Club - winning only on the $130,000
Bonus another $5. That's where I stand right now and I hope the streak continues.
Update: the end of the streak has come ladies and gentlemen. It ended tonight
(8/12) around 10:25 pm when I traded in the $5 winner off the $130,000 Bonus
ticket for a $5 Monopoly. I won a free ticket on the Monopoly game but when
I traded that in for a Cash Win-Fall, nothing was won.
So after this whole ordeal, I actually made $1 and 3 - 4 Slurpees.
How was that for a scratch and win streak? With a lot of these
games the chance of winning big is always there but is not always the prime
focus. If everyone won big then the casino or lottery companies would not be
in business. When it comes to scratch and win tickets the objective is to have
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